Category Archives: Poultry and Cattle feed Mill

Peeping into the basics of poultry & cattle feed plant

Poultry & Cattle Feed Plant in Kolkata, Cattle Feed Meal Plant in kolkata


West Bengal is mainly an agriculture based economy. Agriculture forms an important part of the economy. Alongside animal rearing too is an integral part of the economy. According to report published by National Dairy Development Board, West Bengal is one of the largest economy in the country, contributing to about 6.75 per cent of country’s GDP in 2013-14. Agriculture and allied sector contributed  to 21.7 per cent to the GDP of the state. Poultry and cattle rearing often form a supplementary source of income to agriculturists, mainly for women. A vital part of livestock rearing is good feed and timely vaccination. While nowadays every village is equipped with good village-level veterinary services, new trend is emerging of providing good, scientific feed to poultry and cattle. There are now many new ventures coming up of Poultry & Cattle Feed Plant in Kolkata. Poultry and cattle feed plant is proving to be a good and profitable venture. It is important to know the points one must keep in mind to set up a good  Cattle Feed Meal Plant  in Kolkata.


Here are some pointers :

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Feed Cattles With Food From Poultry And Cattle Feed Plant In Kolkata

Cattle Feed Meal Plant

For the geese, chicken, cows, and ducks, the poultry and cattle feed plant in Kolkata supplies food products. For age was the most common poultry feed like a garden waste, grains, and household waste, in the earlier day. Farmers became aware of the fact that those forages were not sufficient for the flocks, with the rise of cattle feed. The need for healthy food products increased and plants started to use modern technical equipment and machines, with this realization. In recent times, these plants are producing tonnes of these stuff and started to sell these staff to the firms. Continue reading

Why Poultry and Cattle Feed Plant Needs Efficient Feed Machines

poultry and cattle feed plantThere were many times as a child when couldn’t finish the food on the plate. Often when the parents are not noticing, one would have slipped under the table dog and cats. If this was put into business as poultry and cattle feed plant, then it would be interesting. It is seen that there are various types of machines, which are being used in the poultry and cattle industries. Let’s have a look at the types of machines. Continue reading

Things To Know About Broiler Poultry Feed

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It is vital to know how and what to feed your poultries. Get nutritious feeds from the top Poultry Feed Plant in Kolkata for the better growth of poultries.

The broiler poultries are raised mainly for the commercial meat production. The poultry farm owners get a high profit on selling the broiler poultries to the meat shops. Since, these poultries are consumed so it very important to feed them with nutritious stuffs. This means a quality breeding is necessary for a good production and for maintaining the profitable business of broiler poultry farming. The broilers need more protein and energy content in their feeds. The foremost difference between the layer poultry feeds and the broiler poultry feed lay in the point that broiler poultries need more nutrient rich ingredients in their food Continue reading